Contact Details
Name: Prof. Igbokwe Edwin Mbadiwe
Email Address: edwin.igbokwe@unn.edu.ng
Phone Number: +234 8034261915
Contact Address: Department of Agricultural Extension,
Faculty of Agriculture
University of Nigeria
Nsukka 410001, Enugu State
Brief Biography
Edwin M. Igbokwe is a professor of agricultural/rural sociology at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria where he has taught at undergraduate and graduate levels since 1993 and currently the Director, Centre for Rural Development and Cooperatives (CRDC), University of Nigeria. He received a Ph.D from the same university in 1992. He has carried out rural research in several development-related subjects in Africa including public policy, rural economics, land use and administration, indigenous knowledge and rural development and technology policies. His current interest is technology policy and development. An associate fellow of the African Institute for Applied Economics (A.I.A.E.), Enugu, Nigeria, Dr. Igbokwe has consulted widely for both local and international agencies such as the Free University, Amsterdam, the Word Bank and USAID in Nigeria. He served as a supervisor in Adamawa and Yobe States in 2005 and Kaduna State in 2006 SEEDS Benchmarking exercises and actively participated in the quality control, report writing and draft presentation of the 2005 report. He has also served as a resource person in the editing and presentation of Abia and Enugu LGAs’ LEEDS. A specialist in participatory appraisal techniques, he has over fifty publications including his pioneering work with Nnenna Enwere, Participatory Rural Appraisal in Development Research and many book chapters.