Research archive
Ayogu,C.N (2012): “ Run-off Processes in Drainage Basin”in Anyadike,R.N.C(ed)Fundamentals of Hydrology. Pp 96-106.Chuks Education Publishers,Nsukka.
Ayogu,C.N ,Obeta,M.C,Nzeadibe ,T.C, and Ajero,C.K (2011):“WasteWater Reuse and Recycling in Sub-Sahara Africa:The case of Nigeria” in Carrey.D.M.,WaterRecyclingand Water Management, Nova Science Publishers,Inc., Newyork. Pp 107-125.ISBN:978-1-61761-305-0
Ayogu,C.Nand Nnamani, R.G(2011): “Environmental Degradation, Social Dislocation and Conflict in Africa: A focus on Niger Delta” in Nnadozie, O.U (ed) SocialDynamicsofAfricanStates: Issues, ProblemsandProspects. Pp 159-188; Rek Books: Enugu ISBN: 987-36085-9-2
Ayogu, C.N (2010): “Environment, Human Economic Activities, peace and conflict” in Nnadozie,O.U and Uzuegbunam, A.O. Issuesinpeaceandconflictstudiesandothersocialsciences Pp.276-291. Bels Books ISBN :987-35391-6-8
Ayogu, C.N andIbenwa, C.N (2010): “Religion and Inter communal Crises: A focus on Northern Nigeria” in Nnadozie, O.U (ed)TopicalIssuesinSocialSciences. Pp.203-220.RekBooks ISBN: 987-36085-8-4
Ayogu,C.N andMadu,I.A (2009): “Geography and Conflict” in Ikejiani-Clark.M (ed )Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution in Nigeria: A Reader. Pp. 417-432. Spectrum Books Limited, Ibadan.
ISBN: 978-978-095-018-7
Ayogu,C.N and Madu,I.A (2008): “Counting the Costs: Negative Impacts of Women Disempowerment on Socio-economic Development in Nigeria”. Journal of Adult Education and Development Vol.4,No.1. Pp 98-110.
Ayogu, C.N(2011): “River sediments and strategies for conservation” Apaper presented at the 11th Referred Academic Seminar and Workshop Series Conduct on River sediment and Strategies for Conservation at Institute of Development Studies, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus. 12Pp.
Ayogu, C.N andEzemonye, M.N (2011): “Quality Assessment of Abonyi River in Udenu and Isi-Uzo Rural Areas of Enugu State”. A paper presented at the 4-Day International Conference centered on Nigeria at 50: Issues, Challenges &Agenda for 2020 and Beyond 21 -23rd June,2011,University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Ayogu, C.N andMadu,I.A (2010): “The Effects of Rainfall Variability on Crop Productivity in Northern Nigeria.” Conference Book of proceedings on Climate Change and the Nigerian Environment29th June-July,2009,Department of Geography and Regional Planning, University of Nigeria,Nsukka pp.170-178
Ayogu, C.N and Anyadike,R.N.C(2008): “Sediment Deposition and Conservation Strategies in the Mamu Basin of South Eastern Nigeria.” 50th Annual Conference Book of Proceedings on Geography and the Millennium Development Goals: Translating Vision into Reality in Nigeria 25-`28 August.Department of Geography and Regional Planning University of Calabar, Calabar. Pp. .Pp.135-143.
Ayogu,C.N and Okoye,D.F.C(2010/2011): “NaturalResources –Curse or Blessing :Focus on the Niger-Delta” Simulation Exercises for Topical Issues in Social Sciences ,Social Science Unit, SGS, UNN.
Research Archive