Preliminary study on the use of sound and acoustics in Igbo cultural communication. Innovare Journal of Social Sciences. 2(2), 35-39.
Igbo language and critical discourse analysis. Innovare Journal of Social Sciences. 2(2), 23-26.
Babarinde, O. & Ahamefula, N. (2013). Morphophonological Deviation in Yoruba: Its Implication for Communication, Journal of Research on Humanities and Social Sciences (RHSS). Vol. 3. No. 14. Pp. 67-71. Hyperlink: Morphophonological Deviation in Yoruba: Its Implication for Communication
Babarinde, O. & Ahamefula, N. (2013). ‘Tonal Sandhi in the Yoruba Language’ Journal of
Research on Humanities and Social Sciences (RHSS). Vol. 3. No. 12. Pp. 133-136. Hyperlink. Tonal Sandhi in the Yoruba Language
Ahamefula, N. , Okoye, C.A. & Babarinde, O. (2013). ‘The Igbo Language Need Analysis of Non-Igbo in the University of Nigeria Postgraduate Students: Implication for Curriculum Design’ Journal of Research on Humanities and Social Sciences (RHSS), Vol. 3 No. 14 pp 35-40. Hyperlink. Igbo Language Needs Analysis of Non-Igbo University of Nigeria Post-Graduate Students: Implication for Curriculum Design
Ahamefula, N.O., Okoye, C.L. & Onwuegbuchunam, M.O. (2013). “Linguistic rights: An imperative for indigenous language development towards rural entrepreneurial enhancement”. Journal of Economics and Development. Vol. 4 No. 15,pp.63-67. Hyperlink. Linguistic Rights: An Imperative for Indigenous Language Development towards Rural Entrepreneurial Enhancement
(2014) Language teaching methodology: Historical development and contemporary issues. Journal of Education & Practice (JEP). 5(15),66-73.
(2014) Second language teaching research. The priming methods perspective. Journal of Education & Practice (JEP). 5(15), 91-96.
Ahamefula, N.O. (2013). Igbo Numerals. Measurement System & Pedagogy. The Numeral System of Nigerian Languages (LAN Occasional Publications No. 2). Port Harcourt: Linguistic Association of Nigeria and M & J Grand Orbit Communications Ltd. Pp. 141-147.
Lead author (2013) Linguistic Rights: An Imperative for Rural entrepreneurial enhancement towards national development. A Paper presented at West African Languages Congress & 26th Conference of the Linguistic Association of Nigeria (CLAN) with the theme- Research, Documentation and Sustainability in the Development of African Languages. Held at the University of Ibadan between July 31- August 2, 2013.
Ahamefula, N.O. & Okoye, L.C. (2013). Globalization and acculturation. The case of Igbo Language and Culture. A paper presented at the 11th Conference of the Igbo Studies Association (USA) held at Modotel Enugu between July 27-July 29, 2013.
Mbah, E. E. & Ahamefula, N.O. (2013). Needs Analysis of Igbo for Specific Purposes : The Case of Non-Igbo Speaking Youth Corps Members. in O.M. Ndimele, M.Ahmad & H.M. Yakasai (Eds.) Language, Literature & Culture in a Multilingual Society.LAN Festschrift Series. Port-Harcourt: M & J Grand Orbit. Pp 253-267.
Ndubuisi Ogbonna Ahamefula (2013). Language and National Development in Africa: The Nigerian Experience. Nigerian Intellectual Property & Humanities Journal (NIPO) : A Multi-Disciplinary Journal of Intellectual Property and Human Development. Vol. 2(4 ) pp.1-14.
Udechukwu, Chinwe , Ahamefula, Ndubuisi and Ayegba, Monday (2013) “Forensic Linguistics: Its Significance and Challenges” Nigerian Intellectual Property & Humanities Journal (NIPO) : A Multi-Disciplinary Journal of Intellectual Property and Human Development. Vol. 2(4 ) pp.36-45.
Lead-author (2013). Sound and acoustics in cultural communication: The case of Igbo. A paper co-presented at the Maiden National Conference of the Acoustical Society of Nigeria held 11th -14th June at University of Nigeria, Arts Lecture Theatre with the Theme: Humanity, Sound and Environment
Ahamefula, N.O. (2012). A Contrastive Analysis of the Phonology of Igbo and Ijo. An MA dissertation, Department of Linguistics, Igbo and Other Nigerian Languages, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Ndubuisi Ogbonna Ahamefula & Chukwuemeka Alexander Okoye (2012). The Imperatives of Research Question and Hypothesis. Anals of Research. Vol. 1 Issue 1, pp.125-135.
Ndubuisi. O. Ahamefula (2010). The Nwagu Aneke Syllabary: An Indigenous Igbo Writing System. Nsukka Journal of African Languages and Linguistics (NJALL) Vol. 6, pp.128-143
Ahamefula, Ndubuisi O. (2012). The Place of Counting and Measurement in Pedagogy: The Isuochi Speech Community Perspective. Ikenga International Journal of Institute of African Studies. Vol. 12 No. 2. Pp. 1-24.
Mbah, E.E. and Ahamefula, N.O. (2012). “Igbo Indigenous Scripts: A Comparative Study of Nwagu Aneke Syllabary and Enevibeje Syllabary”. International Journal of Arts and Culture in Society. 4(2), pp.152-158.
Ndubuisi Ogbonna Ahamefula (2012). Standardized Research: The Imperative of Research Hypothesis. Journal of Arts and Contemporary Society. Vol. 4. Pp. 60-68.
Ogbonna Ahamefula Ndubuisi. and Okoye, C.L. (2012). “Felicity or Insincerity: The Pragmatics of Selected Speeches of Nigerian Public Leaders”. In A.B.C. Chiegboka et al (eds.) The Humanities and Good Governance. Nimo: Rex Charles and Patrick Ltd.
Ahamefula,Ndubuisi O. (2012). “A Pragmatic Analysis of Actions in Krisagbedo,s … A Darkling Plain”. In Ndimele Ozo-Mekuri (ed.) Language, Literature & Communicationin in a Dynamic World, Nigerian Linguist Festschrift Series No. 9 pp361-369.
Ahamefula, N.O. (In Press). African Script Writing System. Owerri: Ark Publishers.
Ahamefula, N.O. (In Press). Language of Packaging. Owerri: Ark Publishers.
Udechukwu, C.N. and Ahamefula, N. O. (2012). “The Manipulative and Symbolic Power of Language and Society”. KIABARA Journal of Humanities Supplement on Language. Vol. 3. pp. 91-101.
Ahamefula, N.O. ( 2011). “Politeness Expression Strategies in Krisagbedo’s A Darkling Plain: Implications for Effective Communication towards National Development”. Journal of the Linguistic Association of Nigeria, JOLAN, 14(1), pp.35-49.
Ahamefula,N.O. and Okoye, C. L. (2012). “Igbo Language Promotion Issues and the ICT Challenge”. A Paper Presented at the 4th National Conference of the School of Languages, Federal College of Education Obudu, Cross River State with the Theme: Education and Information Communication Technology (ICT) in Nigeria. Challenges and Prospects held between July 2 and 6 at Senator Greg Ngaji Lecture Theatre.
Ahamefula, N.O. and Okoye, C. A. ( 2012). Research Ethics: The Imperative of Research Questions and Hypotheses. A Paper presented at the Research Ethics Colloquium organized by Society for Research Godfrey Okoye University Enugu, March 9.
Ahamefula, N.O. and Okoye, C.L.(2012). “Felicity or Insincerity: The Pragmatics of Selected Speeches of Nigerian Public Leaders”. A paper Presented at the Faculty of Arts Annual Conference 2012, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka. Held at the University Auditorium between May 2 to 5, 2012.
Mbah, E. E; Ahamefula, N.O. and Ayegba, M. (Forthcoming) Igbo and Igala Numerals and Counting Systems: A Contrastive Analysis
Ahamefula, N O. and Mbah, E.E. (2011) “Linguistic Analysis of the Nwagu Aneke Indigenous Igbo Syllabary”. Journal of Igbo Language & Linguistics (JILL). Pp. 95-103, No. 3.
Ahamefula, N.O. and Ayegba M. (2011). A Comparative Analysis of Igbo and Igala Numerals and Counting System. A Paper presented at the 6th Annual Conference of the Igbo Studies Association held at the PAA Auditorium University of Nigeria, Nsukka from 21st to 23rd September, 2011.
Mbah, E.E. & Ahamefula, N O. (2011). Needs Analysis of Igbo for Specific Purposes: The Case of Non-Igbo Speaking Youth Corps Members. Being A Paper presented at the 24th Annual Conference of the Linguistics Association of Nigeria (CLAN) held at Bayero University, Kano between 5th to 9th Dec. 2011.
Ahamefula, N.O. (2011). Language and National Development: The Nigerian Perspective. Paper presented at the 24th Annual Conference of the Linguistics Association of Nigeria (CLAN) held at Bayero University, Kano between 5th to 9th Dec. 2011.
Ahamefula, N.O. (2011). “Igbo Numerals, Counting and Measurement Systems and Pedagogy” A Paper Presented at Indigenous Knowledge and Global Changes in Africa: The Challenges in the 21st Century. A 3 Day International Conference Organised by Institute of African Studies, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Held from 8th-10th June, 2011 at Princess Alexandra Auditorium, UNN.
Ayegba, Monday and Ahamefula, N.O. (In Press) The Phonology and Morphology of English and Igala: A Contrastive Analysis. NJALL. Vol. 7
Ayegba, Monday and Ahamefula, N.O. (In Press) Adjunction Transformation in Igala.
Ahamefula, N.O. (2013). Cognitive Linguistics and Pedagogy. In R. L. Dalla, W.E. Obiozor & A. T.Ahon(Eds) Contemporary Issues in Education. Jos:Fab Educational Books.pp.157-172.
Ahamefula, N.O. (Forthcoming). Achumba (An Igbo Fiction)
Ahamefula, N.O. (Forthcoming). Ozoemena (An Igbo Fiction)
Ahamefula, N.O. (Forthcoming). Kedu Oche Ndi Igbo bunyere Asusu Igbo. Kpakpando. Accepted for publication.
Ahamefula, Ndubuisi O. (2010). “West African Indigenous Writing Systems: Focus on the Nwagu Aneke’s Syllabary”. Usem Journal of Languages, Linguistics and Literature. Vol. 3.pp. 33- 44.
Ahamefula, N O. and Okoye,C.I.(2011). “Politeness Expression Strategies in Krisagbedo’s …A Darkling Plain” A Paper Presented to the Faculty of Arts Annual Conference 2011, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka.Held at the University Auditorium between May 4 to 7.
Ahamefula,Ndubuisi O. (2010). “Promoting Indigenous Ingenuity for National Growth: The Nwagu Aneke Experience”. In NIPO : A Multi-Disciplinary Journal of Intellectual Property and Human Development Pp.255-261.
Ahamefula,Ndubuisi O. (2010). “Ilebaghachi Anya Nye Ndọrọndọrọ Gbasara Nsupe, Ndekọ na Ndesa Okwu Igbo: Ihe Usoroodide Sileberi Nwagụ Aneke Mepụtara.”. A Paper Presented at Igbo Studies Association 5th Annual International Conference held at the PAA Auditorium University of Nigeria, Nsukka from 12th to 15th October, 2010.
Ahamefula,Ndubuisi O. (2010). “A Pragmatic Analysis of Actions in Krisagbedo,s … A Darkling Plain”. Presented at the 23rd Annual Conference of the Linguistics Association of Nigeria (CLAN) at the University of Port Harcourt from November 29 to December 3, 2010.
Ahamefula, Ndubuisi O. (2010). “West African Indigenous Writing Systems: Focus on the Nwagụ Aneke’s Syllabary”. Presented at the 2nd UNIUYO Conference on African Languages (UCAL) in Honour of Dr. Senam Ukut from 19th September to 22nd September at the University of Uyo.
Mbah, E.E. and Ahamefula, Ndubuisi O. (2010). “Igbo Indigenous Scripts: A Comparative Study of Nwagụ Aneke Syllabary and Enevibeje Syllabary”. Presented at the 2nd UNIUYO Conference on African Languages (UCAL) in Honour of Dr. Senam Ukut from 19th September to 22nd September at the University of Uyo.
Ahamefula, Ndubuisi O. (2010). “Negators in Igbo Syntax”. A Postgraduate Seminar Paper. Department of Linguistics, Igbo and other Nigerian Languages. University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Mbah, E.E. and Ahamefula, N.O. (2012). “Igbo Indigenous Scripts: A Comparative Study of Nwagu Aneke Syllabary and Enevibeje Syllabary” In International Journal of Arts and Culture in Society. 4(2), 152-158.
Ahamefula, Ndubuisi O. (2010). “Research Hypotheses”. A Postgraduate Seminar Paper. Department of Linguistics, Igbo and other Nigerian Languages. University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Ahamefula, Ndubuisi O. (2010). “Phonetic Transcription: An Overview”. A Postgraduate Seminar Paper. Department of Linguistics, Igbo and other Nigerian Languages. University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Ahamefula, N.O. and Eze, C.U (2010). “Verbal Aggression: The Case of Former President Obasanjo’s Verbal Indiscretions”. A Postgraduate Seminar Paper. Department of Linguistics, Igbo and other Nigerian Languages. University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Ahamefula, Ndubuisi O. (2010). The Nwagụ Aneke syllabary: A Challenge at Fostering the Promotion of Nigerian Indigenous Values and Philosophy. A Paper Presented at the Maiden National Conference Organized by The Department of Linguistics, Igbo and other Nigerian Languages, University of Nigeria, Nsukka from July 20 to 23 with the theme: . Linguistics and Literary Studies and the Challenges of Socio-economic Crises in Nigeria.
Ahamefula, Ndubuisi O. (2010). “Politeness Expression Strategies in Krisagbedo’s …A Darkling Plain”. A Postgraduate Paper. Department of Linguistics, Igbo and other Nigerian Languages. University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Ahamefula, Ndubuisi O. (1995). Designing an Indigenous Igbo Script: The Nwagụ Aneke Example. Being a BA Project. Department of Linguistics and Nigerian Languages, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Ahamefula, Ndubuisi O. (1996). The Influence of Packaging on Consumers’ Choice: A Case Study of Lux and Joy Toilet Soaps. Being a Diploma Project. Department of Mass Communications, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Ahamefula,Ndubuisi O. (1993). “A Critical Study of the Hausa Boko Orthography”. In OLU: Journal of the Nsukka Linguistics Association. Pp 30-34, Vol. 3, No. 2.
Ahamefula,Ndubuisi O. (1993). LEWE ỤWA NA NDỊ ỌGBA AKA ACHỤ EGO (Igbo Poems) In OLU:Journal of the Nsukka Linguistics Association. Pp 47-48, Vol. 3, No. 2.
Ahamefula, N.O. & Okoye, C.L. (2013). Globalization and acculturation: Focus on Igbo language and culture. Saarbrucken, Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. Available online at and
Research Interests: Applied Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Pragmatics, CDA, Translation, Igbo Phonology, Igbo Syntax, Igbo Dialects, Language Teaching, Curriculum Research and Development, Indigenous Writing Systems, African Scripts, Igbo Fiction, Translation, Language Documentation, Language Maintenance, Language Planning, Mass Literacy and Early Childhood Language Acquisition and Education, Lexicography, Glossaries etc.
Igbo travel and tourism terminology research: An imperative for Igbo tourism development. A paper presented at the 2nd Conference of the Association for Tourism Development in Nigeria. (ATDiN) held 7-9 September 2014 at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
West African Languages Congress & 26th Conference of the Linguistic Association of Nigeria (CLAN) with the theme- Research, Documentation and Sustainability in the Developmet of African Languages. Held at the University of Ibadan between July 31- August 2, 2013.
Lead-author (2013). Sound and acoustics in cultural communication: The case of Igbo. A paper co-presented at the Maiden National Conference of the Acoustical Society of Nigeria held 11th -14th June at University of Nigeria, Arts Lecture Theatre with the Theme: Humanity, Sound and Environment
Faculty of Arts International Conference with the theme: Humanities and National Identity: Ethnicity, Security and Social Stability held at The University Auditorium, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria from 1st to 4th May, 2013.
Faculty of Arts, UNN International Conference /Chinua Achebe Annual Lectures with the Theme; Emergent Issues in Humanities in Africa in the third Millennium, 30 Jan. – 03 Feb. 2012 held at the UBA/UNN Hall of Fame, UNN.
25th Annual Conference of the Linguistic Association of Nigeria held at Adekunle-Ajasin Univeersity, Akungba-Akoko, Ondo State, 3rd to 6th December, 2012.
7th Annual Conference of the Igbo Studies Association (ISA) with the theme: Igbo Core Values held at the Princess Alexandria Auditorium, University of Nigeria, Nsukka Campus from 22nd October to 26th October, 2012.
National Conference of the School of Languages, Federal College of Education Obudu, Cross River State with the Theme: Education and Information Communication Technology (ICT) in Nigeria. Challenges and Prospects held between July 2 and 6, 2012 at Senator Greg Ngaji Lecture Theatre.
Faculty of Arts Annual Conference 2012, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka. Held at the University Auditorium between May 2 to 5, 2012.
24th Annual Conference of the Linguistics Association of Nigeria (CLAN) held at Bayero University, Kano between 5th to 9th Dec. 2011.
Indigenous Knowledge and Global Changes in Africa: The Challenges in the 21st Century. A 3 Day International Conference Organised by Institute of African Studies, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Held from 8th-10th June, 2011 at Princess Alexandra Auditorium, UNN.
Faculty of Arts Annual Conference 2011, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka held at the University Auditorium between May 4 to 7.
Igbo Studies Association 5th Annual International Conference held at the PAA Auditorium University of Nigeria, Nsukka from 12th to 15th October, 2010.
2nd UNIUYO Conference on African Languages (UCAL) in Honour of Dr. Senam Ukut from 19th September to 22nd September at the University of Uyo.
Igbo Studies Association, USA 11th Annual International Conference held at Modotel Enugu, 27-29 June, 2013.
Faculty of Arts International Conference with the theme: Humanities and National Identity:Ethnicity, Security and Social Stability held at The University Auditorium, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria from 1st to 4th May, 2013.
7th Annual Conference of the Igbo Studies Association (ISA) with the theme: Igbo Core Values held at the Princess Alexandria Auditorium, University of Nigeria, Nsukka Campus from 22nd October to 26th October, 2012.
National Conference of the School of Languages, Federal College of Education Obudu, Cross River State with the Theme: Education and Information Communication Technology (ICT) in Nigeria. Challenges and Prospects held between July 2 and 6, 2012 at Senator Greg Ngaji Lecture Theatre.
Faculty of Arts Annual Conference 2012, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka. Held at the University Auditorium between May 2 to 5, 2012.
24th Annual Conference of the Linguistics Association of Nigeria (CLAN) held at Bayero University, Kano between 5th to 9th Dec. 2011.
6th Annual Conference of the Igbo Studies Association held at the PAA Auditorium University of Nigeria, Nsukka from 21st to 23rd September, 2011.
Indigenous Knowledge and Global Changes in Africa: The Challenges in the 21st Century. A 3 Day International Conference Organised by Institute of African Studies, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Held from 8th-10th June, 2011 at Princess Alexandra Auditorium, UNN.
Faculty of Arts Annual Conference 2011, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka held at the University Auditorium between May 4 to 7.
Igbo Studies Association 5th Annual International Conference held at the PAA Auditorium University of Nigeria, Nsukka from 12th to 15th October, 2010.
23rd Annual Conference of the Linguistics Association of Nigeria (CLAN) at the University of Port Harcourt from November 29 to December 3, 2010.
2nd UNIUYO Conference on African Languages (UCAL) in Honour of Dr. Senam Ukut from 19th September to 22nd September at the University of Uyo.
Maiden National Conference Organized by The Department of Linguistics, Igbo and other Nigerian Languages, University of Nigeria, Nsukka from July 20 to 23, 2010. Theme: “Linguistics and Literary Studies and the Challenges of Socio-economic Crises in Nigeria”. at PAA UNN.
Mobile Learning Workshop organized by UNESCO in conjunction with ICTP and UNN, 17th-20th June, 2013 at Nnamdi Azikiwe Library, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Workshop on NUC/ONLINE UNIVERSITIES PROGRAMME ACCREDITATION PORTAL on 7th May, 2013 at the MTN Library, Nnamdi Azikiwe Library, University of Nigeria, Nsukka organized by the Academic Planning unit of the University of Nigeria.
General Session of the Training-of- Trainers Workshop for the National Programme for Revitalizing Adult and Youth Literacy in Nigeria held at Princess Alexandria Auditorium, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, May 6, 2013, organized by the National Mass Education Commission and The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
Workshop on Indigenous Languages Numeracy and Counting Systems Organized by the Linguistics Association of Nigeria(LAN) during the 23rd Annual Conference of the Linguistics Association of Nigeria (CLAN) at the University of Port Harcourt from November 29 to December 3, 2010.
National Workshop on Writing in Nigerian Languages: Standards and Trends. Organized by University of Nigeria, Nsukka Institute for Nigerian Languages Aba Campus, (UNAC) on 2-5 May, 2011.
Capacity Building Workshop with theme- Scholarly Thinking and Writing organized by UNN in collaboration with Institutional and Professional Foundation (IPDF) on “Developing Scientific Papers From Completed Research Work”. June 13, 2012.
Workshop on Essential Social Research Methods for Successful Graduate Studies, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Nnamdi Azikiwe Library. 20-22 March, 2012.
Workshop on Concept and Principles of Trans-disciplinarity, Teaching Methods in the University System, Skills in Writing Research Proposal on Climatic Change Adaptation and Stakeholder input into the Draft Research Policy and academic programmes of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Supported by UNN, the Open Society Foundation (OSF) of the United States of America and the African Technology Policy Studies (ATPS). Held at PAA UNN, 5th to 7th March, 2012.
Symposium on Gender Equality and Sexual Harassment: Implications for Millennium Development Goals organized by Forum for African Women Educationists (FAWE) UNN Chapter, PAA , UNN,18th May, 2011.
Leadership Workshop organized by the University of Nigeria in collaboration with African Development Solution International and TOL Consult USA. Theme: Positive attitude for teamwork and productivity Improvement: The emergence of new expectations. PAA, UNN, September 28-30, 2011