Channel: Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Nigeria
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Research Archive


Peer Reviewed Articles                        Over forty-five (45 +)
Main line Books (Professional)             One (1)
     1. Title:”Foundation of Veterinary Physiology"
             Publisher: Jolyn Publishers,
             University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
             ISBN: 978-8046-87-8
             First Edition: 2004.
2. In press:"Principles of Poultry and Pig Production.
3   In press:   “Advances in Physiology of Ruminant  
Books of General Interest:    One (1)
    1 Title:    “Cultivating an Excellent Attitude”.
                  Publisher: Jolyn Publishers
                  University of Nigeria, Nsukka
                  ISBN: 978-8046-90-8


  • Aka, L.O and Kamalu, T.N., (2004). Rumen degradabilty characterisrics of Stylosanthes gracilis, Panicum maximum, Pennisetum purpureum and Centrosema pubescens in Sheep. Nig. Vet. J. 25(1) 14-20.
  • Aka, L.O and Kamalu, T.N. (2005). The use of cobalt ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid as a soluble marker in the determination of rumen outflow rate in sheep. Nig. Vet. J. 26(1): 18-24.
  • Aka, L.O, Obidike, R.I  and Offor, E.J (2005). Growth performance, voluntary feed intake and haemodynamics of feed supplementation with D-galactose in broiler chicks. Sahel J.Vet. Sci. 4(1): 33-37.
  • I.R. Obidike, L. Aka, C.V Momah and R.C Ezeokonkwo. (2005) The effects of Diaminazene aceturate on some serum enzymes in Trypanosoma brucie infected rats. Shahel J.Vet. Sci. 4(1): 17-23.
  • T.N. Kamalu, L.O Aka, R.I Obidike and D.C Agu (2006). An investigation into the taste sensitivity and modulation of fasted, non-fasted, insulin-injected and non-insulin injected pigs. Nig. J. Expt. Appl. Biol. 7(1) 43-48.
  • Paul-Abiade,  C.U, Onunkwo, J.I and Aka, L.O (2006). A Questionnaire survey of reports of livestock disease outbreaks in Enugu North, South-East, Nigeria. Nig. Vet. J. 27(3): 1-5
  • Aka, L.O., Obidike, R.I and Udegbunam, S.I (2006). The effect of intraruminal infusion of iodinated casein on the potential degradability of Panicum maximum in West African Dwarf x sheep. Nig. Vet. J. 27(2) 1-13.
  • Aka, L.O, Eze, C.A and Abiade-Paul, C.U (2006). Body weight, haematological and serum creatinine profile following rumen fistulation in West African Dwarf x UDA sheep. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual conference of Nig. Vet. Med. Assoc. Minna, Nigeria. 75-79.
  • U.M Igwebuike, R.I Obidike, S.V.O Shoyinka, C.U Nwankwo, I.F Okwechime and L.O Aka. (2007). Effects of Nigerian Qua Iboe Brent crude oil on rat spllen and haematological parameters. Veterinarski Arhiv 77(3): 247-256.
  • I.R. Obidike, L.O Aka, S.V.O Shoyinka, K.O Anya and H.E Eze (2008). Effects of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid on haematological indices in West African Dwarf sheep. Small Ruminant Research, 75: 226-231.
  • Udegbunam, S.O., Sokei, C., Udegbunam, R.I., Nnaji, T.O., Onuoha, A.C and Aka, L.O. (2008). Prevalence of traumatic injuries in dogs presented at Veterinary Clinics in Enugu and Anambra States of South Eastern Nigeria. Nig. Vet. J. 29 (3): 15-20.
  • L.O Aka, C.O Igbokwe and I. Eze (2008). The effects of dietary supplementation of Alpha tocopheryl acetate and ascorbic acid on the severity of T. brucei infection in Albino rats. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Nig. Soc. Anim. Prod. Ayetoro, Ogun State. 547-550.
  • I.R Obidike, L.O. Aka., C.I Okafor (2009) Time-dependant peri-partum hematological, biochemical and rectal temperature changes in West African Dwarf ewes. Small Ruminant Research, 82: 53-57.
  • Aka, L.O., Obidike, R.I., Ezema, W.S and Igbokwe, C.O (2009). The effect of feeding differently prepared breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) on the hematology, serum biochemistry, live weight and relative organ weight in albino rats.. Nigerian Veterinary Journal.30(1):26-34.
  • L.O Aka., P.O Akpa., S.O Udegbunam and G.E Offor (2010) The glucose tolerance and biokinetics of castrated and intact West African dwarf rams.  Nig. J. Expt. Appl. Biol.11(1): 21-25.
  • L.O Aka, R.I Obidike, C.O Igbokwe, W.S. Ezema and K.O Anya (2009) The effect of defaunation on rumen degradability of some tropical forages in West African Dwarf sheep. Proceedings of the 34th Annual conference of the Nig. Soc. Anim. Prod. Uyo. 525-530.
  • L.O Aka, R.I Obidike, W.S Ezema, C.O Igbokwe and K.O Anya (2009). Studies on the effect of ambient temperature on effective rumen degradability, outflow rate and retention time in West African Dwarf sheep fed Panicum maximum and Centrosema pubescens. Proceedings of the 34th Annual conference of the Nig. Soc. Anim. Prod. Uyo. 522-524.
  • Igbokwe, C.O., Aka, L.O., Ezema, W.S and K.O Anya (2009). The role of phytoestrogens and pesticides in mammalian reproductive functions. Proceedings of the 34th Annual conference of the Nig. Soc. Anim. Prod. Uyo.60-63.
  • K.O Anya, L.O Aka, R.I Obidike, C.O Igbokwe, I.S Ochiogu, E.C. Nweze (2009) Diurnal effects on circulating serum testosterone and spermiogram of the West African Dwarf sheep during the early rainy season in Nsukka area of Enugu State. Proceedings of the 34th Annual conference of the Nig. Soc. Anim. Prod. Uyo.64-67.
  • C.O. Igbokwe and L.O Aka (2009) Comparative Morphological studies of  the Meckel's diverticulum of the domestic duck (Anas sparsa) and   guinea fowl (Numida meleagris galeata) Nig. J. Expt. Appl. Biol. 10(2): 73-78.
  • Ezema W.S.,., Nwanta J.A. Aka L.O and Ezenduka, E. V. (2009)  Egg Drop syndrome – 76 virus infection in different bird species in Nigeria- a review of the epidemiology, economic losses, challenges and prospects for management and control. World Poultry Science Journal.16:115-121.
  • Aka, L.O and Kamalu, T.N. (2009).  The effects of intraruminal infusion of saturated and unsaturated fatty acid on organic matter degradability, total  volatile fatty acid and methane production in West African dwarf sheep. Animal Research International. Vol. 6(2), 1009-1018  
  • Aka, L.O; Obidike, R.I; Eze, C.A and Igbokwe, C.O (2009).The Physiologic evidences of good tolerance of concurrent rumen fistulation and duodenal cannulation  in West African dwarf goats. Animal Research International Vol 6(2): 1019-1027. .
  • Aka, L.O  (2010). Effect of in- vitro yeast treatment on the in- sacco degradability of some tropical crop residues in rumen fistulated  West African dwarf sheep Animal Research International. Vol 7 (2): 1176-1183.
  • L.O.Aka, P.O Akpa., K.O Anya and G.E. Offor  (2010). Hematological and some serum biochemical changes during different phases of estrous cycle in sows. Nig. J. Expt. Appl. Biol. 11(1): 13-19.
  • Aka, L.O and Nnaji, T.O (2010), The effects of intraruminal infusion of sodium selenite on the in sacco degradability of Centrosema pubescens and  pennisetium purpereum in West African dwarf sheep. Animal Research International Vol 7 (3): 1294- 1303.
  • Aka, L.O (2010) Taste preferences during different trimester periods in West African Dwarf ewes. Animal Research International Vol 7(1): 115-1162
  • Aka, L.O and Obidike, R.I  (2010) Aqueous extract of Rauwalfia vomitoria leaves on hematology, body weight and voluntary feed intake of rats. Nigerian Journal of Experimental and Applied Biology, 11(1):1-5.
  • Aka, L.O and Obidike, R.I (2010) Time profile anti-diabetic activity of aqueous extract of Bridelia ferrugenia leaves in rats. Nigerian Journal of Experimental and Applied Biology. 11(1): 7-11.
  • Obidike, R.Ikechukwu; Igwebuike. U. Maduabuchi; Aka, O. Lawrence; Shoyinka, S.V Olumuyiwa and Ikwueje, U. Chinelo. (2010) Spleen Morphology and Hematological changes in rats following withdrawal of Nigeria Qua Iboe Brent crude oil. Journal of Comparative Clinical Pathology. DOI 10.1007/s00580-  00941-31.
  • Aka L.O* and T.N. Kamalu (2010) The effect of intraruminal infusion of ifferent. Proportions of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids on rumen outflow rate in West African dwarf sheep. Animal Production Research Advances . 6(2): 85-91.
  • Aka L.O* and Obidike. R.I and Ezema, W.E  (2010) Effects of caffeine  extract from kola nut on body weight, hematology, sperm reserve and serum enzyme activities in albino rats. Journal of Comparative Clinical Pathology. DOI 10.1007/s00580-010-1045-y.
  • Obidike. R.I , Aka L.O, Uchendu C.N and Ochiogu S.I (2010) Sex variations in hematological profile of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix) reared in a hot humid climate.  Nigerian Journal of Experimental and Applied Biology
  • Obidike, R.I., Anika, S.M.; Kamalu, T.N.; Shoyinka, S.V.O.; Aka, LO.  (2010) Morphometric Changes, biochemical values  and Kidney Morphology of Male West African Dwarf goats exposed to  2,4 Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). Journal of Comparative Clinical  Pathology. DOI 10.1007/s00580-010-1068-4                              
  • Obidike. R.I.; Igwebuike, U.M.; Aka L.O.; Udem, S.C.; Omoja, U.V and Azih, .Y.(2009). Blood profile and Organo-somatic indices of albino rats exposed to graded levels of used mineral based crankcase oil.  Proceedings of the 45th Congress of the Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association, Awka   2009 pp 52-57.
  • Aka, L.O, Obidike, R.I and Kamalu, T.N (2010). The effect of varied proportions of long chain saturated and unsaturated fatty acids on Bile composition , bile flow dynamics  and total duodenal fatty acids in West African dwarf sheep fed P.puperuem. Nigerian Journal of Experimental and Applied Biology, 11, 34-39
  • Ikechukwu Reginald Obidike; Wilfred Sunday Ezema; Lawrence Okonkwo Aka; Samuel Chukwuemeka Udem and Gladys Chinelo Onah. (2010) Leucocytic response and spleen morphology of albino rats exposed to graded levels of lead acetate. Macedonian Journal of Medical  Sciences. Doi.10.3889/MJMS.1957-5773.2010.0112.
  • R.I. Obidike; L.O Aka; W.S Ezema; S.C. Udem and C.N Muojekwu (2010) Effects of lead acetate treatment on hematology and organo-somatic indices of albino rats. Nigerian Journal of Experimental and Applied Biology.
  • Aka, L.O.; Pilau, N.N. and Obidike, R.I (2010) The effect of dietary supplementation of garlic (Allium sativum) on some vital biochemical parameters in rats. Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences.8: 16-22 
  • Aka, L.O. and Pilau, N.N. (2010). The effect of garlic (Allium sativum) on tatse responses and relative organ weight of rats. Sokoto Journal of Veterinary Sciences.8: 23-28            
  • Aka, L.O and Kamalu, T.N (2013). Effects of long chain fatty acids on serum cholecysto-kinin, secretin and somatostatin in West African Dwarf sheep. Nigerian Journal of Experimental and Applied Biology (Accepted and in press).
  • Aka, L.O. and Pilau, N.N. (2010). Suppurative Mastitis in Red Sokoto  goat: A case report. In Proceedings of the 44th Annual conference of the Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association, Makurdi. 
  • Pilau, N.N, Adamu, U., Okoli, C.E and Aka, L.O (2012) Uterine Prolapse with Supernumerary Teats in a Year and Three Months Old Primaparous Red Sokoto Doe: A case Report. Proceedings of the 17th Ann. Conf. Anim. Sci. Ass.. of Nig. 9-13
  • R.I. Obidike; L.O Aka (2011) Spleen morphology and sperm reserve in rats treated with different doses of Garlic extract .Journal of Comparative Clinical Pathology. DOI 10.1007/s00580-010-1068-4
  • Aka, L.O, Pilau, N.N and Obidike, R.I (2013) The effect of varied combination ratios of palmitic and linolenic acids on rumen protozoa biomass in West African dwarf sheep fed P. Pupereum. Nigerian Journal of Experimental and Applied Biology. (Accepted and in press)
  • Aka, L.O, Agbonu, A, O, M.D and Nweze, E.C (2012). Contribution of Ruminants to Global warming and possible mitigation strategies. A Review: Proceeding of the Chemical Society of Nigeria.



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