Surname: Stella C. Nwizu
Position: Professor
Contact Details: Department of Adult Education & Extra-Mural Studies, University of Nigeria Nsukka
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Brief Biography
Stella is an expert in Extension and Distance Education with emphasis on material development and evaluation in extension and distance education. Stella holds a bachelor’s degree in Education Economics (Second Class Hons Upper Division). Her doctorate degree is in Extension and Distance Education. She has published over 45 papers in various learned journals and presented papers at national and international conferences. At the University of Nigeria, Stella rose to the rank of Professor, Department of Adult Education and Extra-Mural Studies. She has been involved in various projects relating to quality education for sustainable development. Some of these projects have already been completed and were sponsored by development organizations and agencies.
Her areas of research interests are in designing extension education programmes, material development and evaluation in distance education, non-formal/ literacy education, information communication technology in education, women’s education and human resource development.