Channel: Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Nigeria
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Research Archive


Current Research and Publication
1.    Ebirim Ugomma (2014), Competency of Distance learning Educators and Effective Application of E-learning in Distance learning schools. Journal of Humanities and social science (10SR-JHSS), Vol. 19 Issue 2, pg. 61-66. www. IOSR journals. org.

2.    Ebirim Ugomma (2014), Utilization of Internet Services for Distance-learning Education in Nigeria Universities, it’s Implications on millennium Development Goals. International Journal of innovative Research & Development, Vol.3, Issue 2, pg. 105-109. www. Ijird.com.
3.    Ebirim Ugomma (2014), Creating Entrepreneurial Environment for Sustainable Development in Nigeria through Adult and Non-Formal Education. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, Vol.3, Issue 2, pg.99-104. www.ijird.com.  

4.    Ebirim Ugomma (2014), Entrepreneurship Education for out-of-school Youths in Nigeria. 10SR Journal of Business and management (10SR-JBM), Vol.16, Issue 1, pg.70-76. www. IOSR Journals.org.  

5.    Ebirim Ugomma & Obasi S.N. (2014), Utilization of Indigenous Communication and Promotion of learning in rural Communities a case study, Nsukka. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, Vol.3, Issue 2, pg. 87-92.   www.ijird.com.  

6.    Ebirim Ugomma, Ochai G.O & Obasi S.N (2014), Management of Student Personnel serious in Nigerian Universities through the Application of Intonation and communication Technology. 10SR Journal of Research & method in Education (10SR-JRME), Vol.4, Issue 3, pg. 53-59. www.iosrjournals.org.

7.    Ebirim Ugomma (2014), poverty Alleviation of Adults and Non-Formal Education of Otukpo people in Benue State Nigeria. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, Vol.3, Issue 2, pg. 93-98. www.ijird.com.

8.    Ebirim Ugomma (2014) The Needs for Training Adult Educations in the Global society Imo state, Nigeria as a Case study. International Journal of Innovative Research & Studies (IJIRS), Vol.3, Issue 3, www.ijirs.com.

9.    Ebirim Ugomma & Obasi S.N. (2014) Providing Infrastructural and curriculum for ICT Utilization in University of Nigeria, Nsukka. International Journal of Innovative Research & studies (IJIRS) Vol.3, Issue 3. www.ijirs.com.  
Previous Publications:
1.    Ebirim Ugomma & Nwizu S.C (1998), Factors/inhabiting Effective functioning of Extra-mural unit of the university of Nigeria, Nsukka. Careson Journal of Research and Development, Vol.2, No.1, pg. 41-53.

2.    Ebirim Ugomma (1999/2000), Mobilization of Rural former for Democracy. Careson Journal of Research and Development, Vol.3, No. 1& 2, pg 147-157.

3.    Ebirim Ugomma (2000), Administration and Management of Distance Education programme in Nigeria: A case study of University of Abuja, Journal of Adult Education & Development, pg. 121-128.

4.    Ebirim Ugomma (2000), Expected Contraints on the participation of Adult Learners in the Implementation of the universal Basic Education (UBE), The Nigerian universal Basic Education Journal Vol.1, No 1, pg. 127-131.

5.    Ebirim Ugomma (2000), Activities of Ehime women’s Self-help Associations for poverty Alternation. Journal of Nigerian Educational Research Association, Vol. 14, No. 2, pg 163-168.

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