Reviewer (2013- Date), Offer professional review of academic papers for reputable journals like Energy conversion and Management (ECM) and Nigerian Journal of Technology (NIJOTECH).
Lecturer II (2011-Date), University of Nigeria, Nsukka Demonstrate the working principles of an HVAC system using a refrigeration and air condition simulator, Teach measurement and Instrumentation, heat and mass transfer and Mechanical engineering laboratory. Supervise undergraduate student projects
Graduate Assistant (2008-2011), University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Conducted practical’s for undergraduates on; determination of overall heat transfer coefficient of a concentric tube heat exchanger in both parallel and counter flow modes and determination of thermal conductivity ratios of three metals. Graded Exam scripts and worked as an Examination Officer for first and second year students.
MSc Research Thesis ( 2011),Cranfield University, UK
Worked on “An improved Mathematical Model of an Air Vessel” Assessed the relevance of different heat flux processes to and from the vessel, suggested a modified Rational Heat Transfer (RHT) model based on modified average heat outflow rates to describe the typical transient behaviour of an enclosed air in an air vessel— used for pressure surge mitigation in water pipelines.
B.Eng. Project (2006), University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
Reactivated a Toyota diesel engine powered forklift machine, prepared the maintenance manual and documented the plant history under the supervision of Prof.S.O Enibe.
Graduate Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 2011
Graduate Member, Energy Institute UK 2010
Course Representative, MSc Process Systems Engineering. Cranfield University. 2010-2011
Student Representative, Information Systems Committee, Cranfield University 2010-2011