Channel: Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Nigeria
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Research Archive








A. Books

•    Collins N. Udanor and O.U. Oparaku, A Model of Intelligent Mobile Learning System using Multi-Agent Systems, ISBN 978-3-659-44209-4, Germany, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2013
•    C.N. Udanor and F.S Bakpo, Laboratory for Digital Design 2ND Edition, Enugu, Nigeria, Living Word Studios Publishers, 2013.
•    C.N. Udanor and F.S. Bakpo, Artificial Intelligence with Prolog Programming, Enugu Nigeria,             JTC Publishers, 2011.
•    C.N. Udanor and F.S Bakpo, Advanced Digital Laboratory – PC Troubleshooting and Digital Lab Manual, Second Edition. Enugu, Nigeria, Living Word Studios with Computer Edge Publishers, 2010
•    C.N. Udanor and F.S Bakpo, Advanced Digital Laboratory – PC Troubleshooting and Digital Lab Manual:, (2007). Living Word Studios Publishers, Enugu, Nigeria.
•    Laboratory for Digital Design: C.N. Udanor and F.S Bakpo, Enugu, Nigeria, Living Word Studios Publishers, 2008.

B. Refereed Journal Publications

Collins N. Udanor and O.U. Oparaku (2013). Performance Analysis of a multi-agent M-learning system: Testing and evaluation results (under review by Journal of Education Technology & Society).
C.N.Udanor, O.U.Oparaku, B. Udoisang (2012).  An Agent Driven M-learning Application. Presented at the 4th Workshop on UNESCO-HP “BRAIN GAIN INITIATIVE” (in conjunction with the 3rd Kuwait Conference on e-Services & e-Systems) held in Kuwait in December 18-20, 2012. To appear in the Journal of Software
Ugwuishiwu C.H, Udanor C., Ugwuishiwu B.O. Application of ICT in Crop Production.
International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE)
ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume-2, Issue-4, September 2012. Pages 227-231
Collins N. Udanor (2011). An Agent-based Model of Intelligent M-learning System.  International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology. Volume 1 Number 5. Pages 65-73.
Collins N. Udanor and T.A. Nwodo (2010). A Review of M-learning Models. India Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE). Volume 1 Number 4. Page 426-435.

C. Refereed Conference Proceedings

C.N.Udanor, O.U.Oparaku, B. Udoisang.  An Agent Driven M-learning Application
Presentation at the 4th Workshop on UNESCO-HP “BRAIN GAIN INITIATIVE” (in conjunction with the 3rd Kuwait Conference on e-Services & e-Systems) held in Kuwait during December 18-20, 2012.

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Dr. Ebem, Deborah Uzoamaka








Name: Ebem, Deborah Uzoamaka

Position: Senior lecturer

Contact Details
Contact Address:
    Department of Computer Science
    University of Nigeria, Nsukka
    Enugu State, Nigeria
    Telephone: +2348052810722,+2348185171069
    Emails: deborah.ebem@unn.edu.ng;


Brief Biography

Dr. Ir.Engr.(Mrs) Deborah Uzoamaka Ebem was one of the pioneer students of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the then Anambra State University of Technology (ASUTECH), Nigeria. She received a B.Engr.(Second class upper division  ,21) degree from ASUTECH and a postgraduate diploma in management from University of Nigeria, Nsukka. She also received master’s degrees in computer science and engineering and computer engineering from Enugu State University of Science (ESUT) and the Technical University Delft, The Netherlands, respectively. She is a Dutch certified Engineer (Ir.).She further holds a PhD in computer science from Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria. At present she is a lecturer at the department of Computer Science, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. From September, 2011 to December, 2011 she was a Research Fellow and Scholar at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge USA.

Dr. Mrs. Ebem developed a mobile outdoor game for children while at Delft that is being commercialized.

She is MIT Open Course Ware (OCW)  and Google ambassadors.

Dr. (Mrs.) Ebem has published journal articles in both international and local journals. Deborah has published eight text books on Computer Technology for Nigerian secondary schools and for first year course introduction to computer science for colleges and higher institutions in Nigeria. The secondary school textbooks have been approved since 2006/2007 academic session for use in Enugu State. She is an apt teacher, having taught computer science and computer technology to different categories of people: primary, secondary tertiary and corporate organizations two decades.




Areas of Interest/ Summary of Expertise


My researches are in the areas of ICT development, deployment  and application, Perceptual Measurement of Speech Quality and Speech Intelligibility, development of Igbo Hearing in Noise Test(IHINT),  Parallel Computing and Parallel Algorithm, Mobil Outdoor games, Network Architecture and Services, data communication networks, cyber crime and grid computing.

Activities and Responsibilities


Current Research

Effect of Interruption Rate (Masking Release)
In this experiment, we are exploring the effect of interruption rate on speech intelligibility.  Specifically, we are using the Hearing in Noise Test (HINT) procedure with either the original HINT stimuli (English) or our own stimuli (Igbo).  For a given noise level, the HINT test provides an estimate of the signal level required for 50%-correct speech intelligibility.  This signal level (for 50%-correct intelligibility) changes depending upon the interruption rate of the noise.  This phenomenon (called Masking Release) has been studied extensively in English.  This experiment will explore and compare the phenomenon of Masking Release for (i) native English speakers listening to English, (ii) native Igbo speakers listening to English, and (iii) native Igbo speakers listening to Igbo.  Since Igbo is a tonal language and English is a non-tonal language, this will allow us to compare Masking Release patterns on native speakers of tonal and non-tonal languages.

Research Archive


Published Works:
Journal Articles
1.    D.U. Ebem (2012) Multimedia-Based Pedagogy on Mathematics in Senior Secondary Schools - A Case Study of Enugu State, Nigeria. Afr J Comp & ICT. Vol 5. No. 2 ,pg 29-32. www.ajocict.net
2.    Longe, O.B, Danquah, P. & Ebem, D.U. (2012). Deindividuation, Anonymity and Unethical Behavior in Cyber Space – Explorations in the Valley of Digital Temptations. To appear in Vol. 16. Issue 3 No. 1. http://cis.uws.ac.uk/research/journal/index.html
3.    Ebem D.U. and Longe O.B. “Validating Perceptual Objective Listening Quality Assessment Methods on the Tonal Language Igbo”. Afr. J of Comp & ICT,vol 4 No.3,pg 15-22 ,Dec.2011.
4.    Deborah U.Ebem, John G.Beerends, Christian Schmidmer, Jeroen van Vugt and Robert E.Kooij & Joy O.Uguru  “The Impact of Tone Language and Non-Native Language Listening on Measuring Speech Quality” (Journal of Audio Engineering Society,vol.59, No.9,2011 September.),pg 647-655
5.    Oguike,O.E,Ebem,D.U.Agu,M.N. and Echezona, S.C. “Evaluating the Performance of Shared Memory Parallel Computer Using Recursive  Models”, IEEE, 2010, vol ii, no 5,pg 1-7, December 2010.
6.    Oguike O.E, Ebem, D.U.,Agu,M.N. and Echezona,S.C. “On Performance Metrics of Compute Intensive Applications of a Single Processor Computer System”, IEEE,2011 (in press)
7.    Ebem, D.U. “Introduction to Computer Technology for Junior Secondary Schools” JSS1,JSS2 & JSS3 and their accompanying work books revised edition”, Computer Edge Publishers Enugu Nigeria, 2010.
8.    Ebem, D.U. Validating Perceptual Objective Listening Quality Assessment Methods on the Tonal Language Igbo, MSc Thesis, Technical University Delft, The Netherlands, July,2009.
9.    Ebem, D.U. Multimedia Learning System for the Teaching of the Sciences for Nigerian Secondary Schools, PhD. Dissertation, Ebonyi State University Abakaliki, Nigeria March, 2007.
10.    Ebem, D.U. “Introduction to Basic Computer Concepts”,Cheston Ltd,Enugu Nigeria, 2006,398 pages.
11.    Ikekeonwu, G.A, Bakpo,F.S.,Okoronkwo,M.C.,Oguike,O.E.,Echezona,S.C.,Okereke,G.E.,Agu,M.N. & Ezema,M.E “Introduction to Computer Science, Course Manual”, Immaculate Publications Limited.
12.    Ebem, D.U and Inyiama,H.C.” Alternative Learning System for the Nigerian Child”. Journal of Information, Communication and Computing Technologies (JICCOTECH). Ebonyi State University Abakaliki, 2005, pg 140-146.
13.    Ebem, D.U and Inyiama,H.C. “Developing Industrial/Academia Collaboration Process for Nigeria.” Published by the Journal of Information, Communication and Computing Technologies (JICCOTECH). Ebonyi State University Abakaliki, 2005,pg 128-134
14.    Ebem, D.U. “Introduction to Computer Technology” J.T.C. Publisher Enugu. 1998:
15.    Umegbo,D.U ,An essay titled “Otanisi”. Published in “Bakorikeledescope”. The Journal of Federal Government Girl’s College Bakori. 1984
Conference Papers

1.    Deborah U.Ebem, John G.Beerends,Christian Schmidmer,Jeroen van Vugt and Robert E.Kooij & Joy O.Uguru  “The Impact of Tone Language and Non-Native Language Listening on Measuring Speech Quality”,Acoustical Society of Nigeria National Conference,University of Nigeria,Nsukka,11th-14th June,2013.
2.    Ebem,D.U.,” Multimedia Based Pedagogy on Mathematics in Senior Secondary Schools-The Case Study of Enugu State Nigeria”. Organization for Women in Science for the Development World(OWSD),First International Conference and Exhibition, University of Uyo,3-6 June 2013.
3.    Deborah U. Ebem  , Joseph G. Desloge, Charlotte M. Reed, Louis D. Braida  & Joy O.Uguru.”Masking Release for Igbo and English Using Hearing in Noise Test(HINT)”,iSTEAMS Research Nexus 2013,University of Ibadan,Nigeria,30th May-1st June,2013.
4.    Oguike O.E, Ebem D.U., Agu  M.N.and Echezona, S.C “Modeling the Performance of Compute Intensive Applications of a Parallel Computer”, IEEE,2010,Second International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Modeling and Simulation, pages 507-512
5.    Oguike O.E, Ebem D.U, Agu M.N and Echezona S.C,”Evaluating the Performance of Parallel Computer System Using Recursive Models ”, IEEE,2010,pages 471-476
6.    Oguike O.E, Ebem D.U, Agu M.N. and Echezona S.C., “Evaluating the Performance of Heterogeneous Distributive Memory Parallel Computer Systems Using Recursive Models”,pg386-391,2011 Second International Conference on Intelligent Systems, Modeling and Simulation,www.ieee.org/ieee computer society
7.    O.E.Oguike,D.U.Ebem, M.N.Agu, S.C.Echezona,H.O.D.Longe,O.Abass “Performance of Heterogeneous Parallel Computer System with Distributed Memory Using Analytic and Simulation Techniques” cicsyn, pp.126-131, 2011 Third International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Communication Systems and Networks, 2011 .http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/CICSyN.2011.37
8.    O.E. Oguike, S.C. Echezona, M.N. Agu, D.U. Ebem, H.O.D. Longe, and O. Abass
“Modeling Variation of Performance Metric of Distributed Memory Heterogeneous Parallel Computer System Using Recursive Models” 2011 Third International Conference   on Computational Intelligence, Modeling & Simulation CIMSim    pp373-378  
Unpublished works:
1.    Ebem, D.U. “Mobile Interactive Outdoor Game for Primary School Pupils in the Netherlands”. September, 2008.
2.    Ebem,D.U M.Sc. “Industrial Information System for Nigeria (INFORWEB)” ,June, 2001
3.    Ebem D.U. “Career Choice Patterns for School Leavers”, A case study of The School of Business Studies Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic Unwana. April 1998.
4.    Umegbo, D.U. Computer Aided Savings Account System, August 1991.
5.    Umegbo,D.U ,An Industrial Training report submitted to the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (ASUTECH), August 1989.

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