• Intelligent Machine Learning
His current activity is on developing models and applications that apply artificial intelligent techniques for various types of devices. This also includes using Agent technologies such as the JADE multi-agent system for developing learning materials for mobile and embedded devices. Presently, He has developed a model for Intelligent Mobile Learning System using JADE agent ACL and Ontologies.
• Distributed & High Performance Computing (HPC)
Current research is on understanding the various technologies and platforms for HPC. This includes research in distributed computing infrastructures (DCI), development of applications for parallel computing, virtual resources (VR) and virtual Organizations (VOs). Presently, I am using the deployment of UNN Grid infrastructure as a case study for this research interest. The next phase of this research is to move to Cloud Computing before the end of this year.
• Mobile Applications
Research interest here is on developing mobile applications for smart phones and smart devices using a true Open Handset platform architecture like the Google Android. These applications are optimized for effective bandwidth utilization and management using agents and Web 2.0 technologies.
• Proficient Programmer in Java, Android Mobile SDK, Prolog, C++, VB, VB.NET, PHP/MySQL, JSP/Servlets, HTML/DHTML, etc. Website development & administration.
• Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office Tools.
• Webmaster UNN UNESCO-HP BGI Project. .http://grid.unn.edu.ng.
• System Administration in Windows and Scientific Linux OS platforms.
• Proficient hands-on Instructor
• Natural Team Leader
• Ability to manage and motivate people.