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A. Books
• Collins N. Udanor and O.U. Oparaku, A Model of Intelligent Mobile Learning System using Multi-Agent Systems, ISBN 978-3-659-44209-4, Germany, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2013
• C.N. Udanor and F.S Bakpo, Laboratory for Digital Design 2ND Edition, Enugu, Nigeria, Living Word Studios Publishers, 2013.
• C.N. Udanor and F.S. Bakpo, Artificial Intelligence with Prolog Programming, Enugu Nigeria, JTC Publishers, 2011.
• C.N. Udanor and F.S Bakpo, Advanced Digital Laboratory – PC Troubleshooting and Digital Lab Manual, Second Edition. Enugu, Nigeria, Living Word Studios with Computer Edge Publishers, 2010
• C.N. Udanor and F.S Bakpo, Advanced Digital Laboratory – PC Troubleshooting and Digital Lab Manual:, (2007). Living Word Studios Publishers, Enugu, Nigeria.
• Laboratory for Digital Design: C.N. Udanor and F.S Bakpo, Enugu, Nigeria, Living Word Studios Publishers, 2008.
B. Refereed Journal Publications
Collins N. Udanor and O.U. Oparaku (2013). Performance Analysis of a multi-agent M-learning system: Testing and evaluation results (under review by Journal of Education Technology & Society).
C.N.Udanor, O.U.Oparaku, B. Udoisang (2012). An Agent Driven M-learning Application. Presented at the 4th Workshop on UNESCO-HP “BRAIN GAIN INITIATIVE” (in conjunction with the 3rd Kuwait Conference on e-Services & e-Systems) held in Kuwait in December 18-20, 2012. To appear in the Journal of Software
Ugwuishiwu C.H, Udanor C., Ugwuishiwu B.O. Application of ICT in Crop Production.
International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE)
ISSN: 2231-2307, Volume-2, Issue-4, September 2012. Pages 227-231
Collins N. Udanor (2011). An Agent-based Model of Intelligent M-learning System. International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology. Volume 1 Number 5. Pages 65-73.
Collins N. Udanor and T.A. Nwodo (2010). A Review of M-learning Models. India Journal of Computer Science and Engineering (IJCSE). Volume 1 Number 4. Page 426-435.
C. Refereed Conference Proceedings
C.N.Udanor, O.U.Oparaku, B. Udoisang. An Agent Driven M-learning Application
Presentation at the 4th Workshop on UNESCO-HP “BRAIN GAIN INITIATIVE” (in conjunction with the 3rd Kuwait Conference on e-Services & e-Systems) held in Kuwait during December 18-20, 2012.