Current Research and Publications:
1. Nwobodo NN, Obu HA. Therapeutic drug monitoring in pediatric practice: a critical appraisal. Biomed & Pharmacol J 2014; 7(1): 235-240
2. Nwobodo NN, Obu HA. Overview of clinical pharmacokinetics in pediatrics: possible implications in therapy. Biomed & Pharmacol J 2014; 7(1): 169-174
3. Chinawa JM, Ubesie AC, Chinawa AT, Ilechukwu GC, Eke CB, Nwogu UB, Obu HA, Ezewosu O. Gap between knowledge and practice of exclusive breastfeeding in Enugu. Indian Journal of Applied Research 2014; 4(7): 537-539
4. Chinawa JM, Odetunde IO, Obu HA, Chinawa AT, Bakare MO, Ujunwa FA. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a neglected issue in the developing world. Behavioural Neurology 2014; 2014:
5. Obu HA, Chinawa JM. Neonatal analgesia: a neglected issue in the tropics. Niger Med J 2014; 55: 183-7
6. Edelu BO, Ndu Ik, Asinobi IN, Obu HA, Adimora GN. Osteogenesis imperfect: a case report and review of literature. Ann Med Health Sci Res 2014; 4: 1-5
7. Ayuk AC, Obu HA, Ughasoro MD, Ibeziako NS. Unresolving short stature in a possible case of mucopolysaccharidosis. Ann Med Health Sci Res 2014;4:38-42
8. Chinawa JM, Obu HA, Manyike PC, Odetunde OI. Nocturnal Enuresis among school-age children: a concealed social malaise. International Journal of Tropical Disease and Health 2014; 4(6): 683-695
9. Ekwochi U, Chinawa JM, Osuorah CDI, Odetunde OI, Obu HA, Agwu S. The use of unprescribed antibiotics in management of upper respiratory tract infections in children in Enugu, South East Nigeria. J Trop Pediatr 2014; doi: 10.1093/tropej/fmt111
10. Chinawa JM, Chukwu BF, Obu HA. Sleep practices among medical students in Paediatrics Department of University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Ituku/Ozalla, Enugu, Nigeria. Niger J Clin Pract 2014; 17: 232-6
11. Eke CB, Obu HA, Chinawa JM, Adimora GN, Obi IE. Perception of child adoption among parents/care-givers of children attending paediatric outpatients' clinics in Enugu, South-East Nigeria. Niger J Clin Pract 2014; 17: 188-95.
Research Archive:
1. Obu HA, Chinawa JM, Manyike PC, Obi I, Eke BC, Ekwochi U, Agwu S. Paediatrician wearing a white coat: a survey of preferences among children and their care givers. Ann Trop Med Public Health 2013; 6:508-12; DOI: 10.4103/1755-6783-133699
2. Chinawa JM, Aronu AE, Chukwu BF, Obu HA. Prevalence and pattern of child abuse and associated factors in four secondary institutions in Enugu, Southeast Nigeria. Eur J Pediatr 2013; DOI 10.10007/s00431-013-2191-4
3. Chinawa JM, Obu HA, Eke CB, Eze JC. Pattern and clinical profile of children with complex cardiac anomaly seen at University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Ituku/Ozalla, Enugu State, Nigeria. Nig J Clin Pract 2013; 16(4): 462-467
4. Obu HA, Adimora GN, Chinawa JM, Obumneme-Anyim IN, Ndu I, Asinobi I. Collodion baby: a report of four cases. Niger J Paed 2013; 40(3): 307-310.
5. Chinawa JM, Chinawa AT, Obu HA, Chukwu BC, Eke CB. Performance of medical students in paediatrics examinations and associated factors. Current Pediatr Res 2013; 17(2): 101-105.
6. Chinawa JM, Obu H. Condylomata acuminata in an infant: a case report. Current Pediatr Res 2013; 17(2): 123-124.
7. Chinawa JM, Eze JC, Obu HA, Chukwu B. Double outlet right ventricle with anatomical associations of ventricular septal defect (VSD), pulmonary stenosis (PS) and atrial septal defect (ASD) presenting as inoperable cardiac disease: case series. Orient Journal of Medicine 2013; 25(1-2): 62-66.
8. Ekwochi U, Chinawa JM, Obi I, Obu HA, Agwu S. Use and/or misuse of antibiotics in management of diarrhea among children in Enugu, southeast Nigeria. J Trop Pediatr 2013; doi: 10.1093/tropej/fmt016.
9. Chinawa JM, Obu HA, Uwaezuoke SN. Foreign body in the vagina: an unsual cause of vaginitis in children. A case report. Ann Med Health Sci Res 2013; 3(1): 102-104
10. Chinawa JM, Ubesie AC, Admiora GN, Obu HA, Eke CB (2012). Mothers' perception and management of abdominal colic in infants in Enugu, Nigeria. Nig J Clin Pract 2013; 16(2): 169-173
11. Uwaezuoke SN, Obu HA. Nosocomial infections in neonatal intensive care units: cost-effective control strategies in resource-limited countries. Niger J Paed 2013; 40(2): 125-132
12. Chinawa JM,, Eze JC, Obi I, Ujunwa F, Adiele KD, Obu HA. Synopsis of congenital cardiac disease among children attending University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Ituku Ozalla, Enugu. BMC Research Notes 2013; 6: 475.
13. Chinawa JM, Obu HA, Eze JC, Omeke J, Agwu B, Ani OS, Okorowo J. Cor triatriatum sinistrium in a 10 year old Nigerian-a case report. Niger J Paed 2012; 40(1): 80-90.
14. Obu HA, Chinawa JM, Ubesie AC, Eke BC, Ndu IK. Paracetamol use (and/or misuse) among children in Enugu, South-East Nigeria. BMC Pediatrics 2012; 12:103.
15. Chinawa J M, Adimora G N, Obu H A, Tagbo B, Ujunwa F, Onubogu I. Clinical presentation of mucopolysaccharidosis type II (Hunter’s syndrome). Ann Med Health Sci Res 2012; 2 (1): 87-90
16. Obu H A, Chinawa J M, Uleanya N D, Adimora G N, Obi I E. Congenital malformations among newborns admitted in the neonatal unit of a tertiary hospital in Enugu, South-East Nigeria – a retrospective study. BMC Research Notes 2012; 5:177
17. Chinawa JM, Obu HA, Agwu A, Ani S, Okorowo J. Black water fever following quinine therapy in a 6 year old Nigerian: a case report from the rain forest south eastern Nigeria. MJPCH 2011; 17(2)
18. Obu H A, Ibe B C. Neonatal malaria in The Gambia. Ann Med Health Sci Res 2011; 1 (1): 45-54.
19. Ogbodo S O, Okeke A C, Obu H A, Shu E N, Chukwurah E F. Nutritional status of parasitemic children from malaria endemic rural communities in eastern Nigeria. Curr Paediatr Res 2010; 14(2): 131-135
20. Ogbodo S O, Ogah O, Obu H A, Shu E N, Afiukwa C. Lipid and lipoprotein levels in children with malaria parasitaemia. Curr Pediatric Res 2008; 12 (1 & 2): 13-17.
21. Ejike O, Akaraiwe N N, Obu H A, Okenwa U J, Odume C. Retinoblastoma in Enugu; Parklane Specialist Hospital experience. Ebonyi Medical Journal 2005; 4 (1 & 2): 4-9.
22. Oguonu T, Okafor H U, Obu H A. Caregiver’s knowledge, attitude and practice on childhood malaria and treatment in Enugu, South-East Nigeria. Public Health 2005; 119: 409-414.
23. Enwere G C, Obu H A, Jobarteh A. Snake bites in children in The Gambia. Ann Trop Paediatr 2000; 20: 121-124.
24. Ejike O, Obu H A, Nnaji C. Blood transfusion practices in paediatric patients with malaria at Parklane Specialist Hospital, Enugu. In: Abstracts of Proceedings, 37th Annual Conference of the Paediatric Association of Nigeria, Jos, January 25-27, 2006. Niger J Paed 2006: 33 (3&4): 115-42
Selected Previous Publications:
1. Obu H A, Ibe B C. Neonatal malaria in The Gambia. Ann Med Health Sci Res 2011; 1 (1): 45-54.
2. Obu H A, Chinawa J M, Uleanya N D, Adimora G N, Obi I E. Congenital malformations among newborns admitted in the neonatal unit of a tertiary hospital in Enugu, South-East Nigeria – a retrospective study. BMC Research Notes 2012; 5:177
3. Obu HA, Chinawa JM, Ubesie AC, Eke BC, Ndu IK. Paracetamol use (and/or misuse) among children in Enugu, South-East Nigeria. BMC Pediatrics 2012; 12:103.
4. Oguonu T, Okafor H U, Obu H A. Caregiver’s knowledge, attitude and practice on childhood malaria and treatment in Enugu, South-East Nigeria. Public Health 2005; 119: 409-414.
5. Enwere G C, Obu H A, Jobarteh A. Snake bites in children in The Gambia. Ann Trop Paediatr 2000; 20: 121-124.