Channel: Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Nigeria
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Research Archive


 1    A. A tyopine and C.O.B. Okoye (2014) Optimization of the limestone content of limestone composite cement production in Nigeria, Elsevier Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (09/35-45). Article accepted 1 October 2014.  
2    Ekere NR, Okoye COB, Ihedioha JN (2014). Novel Simultaneous Spectrophotometric determinations of Bi(III), Sn(II), Mn(II), V(III) and Se(II) ions in mixed aqueous solutions. J Chem Pharm Res. (accepted and in print).
3    Janefranes N. Ihedioha, Chukwuma O.B. Okoye, Uchenna A. Onyechi (2014):   Health risk assessment of zinc, chromium and nickel from cow meat consumption in an urban Nigerian Population. International Journal of occupational and Environmental Health 20(4)281-288.
4    Chukwuma O.B. Okoye and Gold .C. Adiele (14): Physico-chemical and bacteriological qualities of Ground water resources in Ezimihite Mbaise Local Government Area of Imo State, Nigeira. Int J.chem.sci 12(1):23-38.
5    Ihedioha Janefrances, Ekere Nwachukwu and Okoye Chukwuma (2013): Cadmium content in some locally grown rice (Oryza Sativa) in Nigeria. Food Additives and contaminants: Part B. DOI: 10.1080/19393210.2013.821174. Taylor and Francis
6    Ihedioha J.N. and Okoye C.O.B. (2013): Dietary intake and health risk assessment of lead and cadmium via consumption of cow meat for an urban population in Enugu state, Nigeria. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 93 101–106Elsevier  
7    Marcus A. C., Okoye C. O. B. and Ibeto C. N. (2013): Organic matter and trace metals levels in sediment of bonny river and creeks around Okrika in Rivers State, Nigeria. Int. J. Physical Sci 8(15):652-656. Academic journals

8    A. C. Marcus, C. O. B. Okoye,  C. N. Ibeto (2013): Bioaccumulation of Trace Metals in Shellfish and Fish of Bonny River and Creeks around Okrika in Rivers State, Nigeria. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol. DOI 10.1007/s00128-013-0992-9. Springer.

9    Obasi L.N., Okoye C.O.B., Ukoha P.O., Rajasekharan Nair R and Agbo I.C. (2013): X-ray crystallographic and structural studies of (benzothiazol-2-yl)ethanesulphonamide, and its antimicrobial properties. Chemistry and Material Research 3(1):33-42

10    Ofomatah A.C. and Okoye C.O.B. (2013): The effect of cow dung inoculums and palm head ash-solution treatment on biogas yield of bagasse. Int. J. Physical Sci. 8(5): 193-198. Academic journals  
11    C. O. B. Okoye, A. M. Chukwuneke, N. R. Ekere and J. N. Ihedioha (2013): Simultaneous ultraviolet-visible (UV–VIS) spectrophotometric quantitative determination of Pb, Hg, Cd, As and Ni ions in aqueous solutions using cyanidin as a chromogenic reagent. Int. J Physical Sci 8(3):98-102. Academic journals
12    L.N. Obasi, C.O.B. Okoye, P.O. Ukoha and K.F. Chah (2013): Syntheses, Characterization and antimicrobial screening of N-(Benzothaizol-2-yl)--4-methylbenzenesulphonamide and its  Cu(I), Ni(II), Mn(II), Co(III) and Zn(II) complexes. Asian J. Chem; 25(5): 2369-2376

13     L.N. Obasi, C.O.B. Okoye, P.O. Ukoha and K.F. Chah (2013): Syntheses, Characterization and antimicrobial screening of N-(Benzothaizol-2-yl)-2,5-Dichlorobenzenesulphonamide and its Cu(I), Ni(II), Mn(II), Co(III) and Zn(II) complexes. Asian J. Chem; 25(4): 2199-2207

14    Marcus A.C., Okoye C.O.B. and Ibeto C.N. (2013): Environmental pollution quality assessment of water from Bonny River and Creeks around Okirika. Int. J. Appl. Environ. Sci. 8(1):1-11

15    Ofomatah A.C., Ibeto, C.N., Okoye C.O.B.  and Unachukwu G.O. (2012): Production and storage of biogas from ash-treated and untreated bagasse. Int J. Current Research 4(7): 71-74.

16    Okoye C.O.B, Okon E.E., Ekere N.R., Ihedioha J.N. (2012): Simultaneous Uv-Vis spectrophotometric quantitative determination of cyanidin complexes of Co, Zn, Cr, Cu and Fe ions in mixed solutions. Int. J. Chem. Anal. Sci. 3(12): 1662-1664

17    N.J. Nnaji, C.O.B. Okoye, N.O. Obi-Egbedi, M.A Ezeokonkwo, and J.U.Ani (2012): Spectroscopic characterization of red onion skin tannin and its use as alternative aluminum corrosion inhibitor in HCl solutions. Int. J. Electrochem.  Sci. 8(2):1742-1766

18    A.U. Ezeibe, S.O.Adeyemo and C.O.B. Okoye (2012): Preliminary study on the potentials of epiphytic ferns as bio-monitors for some air borne heavy metals. Proc. ICABBE 2012, World Academy of Sci. and Tech., Bangkok, Thailand, 22nd -23rd  Dec., 2012

19    J. N. Ihedioha and C. O. B. Okoye.  (2012): Levels of some trace metals (Zn, Cr and Ni) in the muscle and internal organs of cattle in Nigeria. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal.  DOI:10:1080/10807039.2012.702545.  Taylor and Francis group

20    J. N. Ihedioha and C. O. B. Okoye (2012). Cadmium and lead levels in muscle and edible offal of cow reared in Nigeria. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 88: 422-427. Springer.

21    J.U. Ani, N.J. Nnaji, C.O.B. Okoye, O.D. Onukwuli (2012): The coagulation and performance of okra mucilage in an industrial effluent by turbidimetry. Int. J. Chem Sci. 10(3): 1293-1308. Sadguru publications.

22    J.U. Ani, N.J. Nnaji, C.O.B. Okoye, O.D. Onukwuli (2012): Factorial analyses, equilibrium studies, kinetic and thermodynamics of the removal of suspended particles from an industrial effluent on coal based activated carbon. Int. J. Chem Sci. 10(3): 1765-1784. Sadguru publications  

23    N. L. Obasi, C. O. B. Okoye, P. O. Ukoha and K. F. Chah (2012). Syntheses and antimicrobial screening of n-(benzothiazol-2-yl)ethanesulphonamide and its Cu(I) and Ni(II) complexes. JCSN, 37(2):32-40. Chem. Soc. of Nigeria.

24    N. L. Obasi, Okoye C. O. Benedict, P. O. Ukoha and A. O. Anaga (2012). Syntheses, characterization, and antimicrobial screening of n-(benzothiazol-2-yl)benzenesulphonamide and its Cu(I), Ni(II), Mn(II), Co(II), and Zn(II) complexes. E-journal of Chemistry, 9(4), 2354-2370.
25    J.U Ani,  N.J.N Nnaji,  O.D. Onukwuli, C.O.B. Okoye (2012): Nephelometric and functional parameters response of coagulation for the purification of industrial wastewater using Detarium microcarpum.  Journal of Hazardous Materials 243: 59-66.

26    Janefrances Ihedioha and Chuma Okoye (2012).Copper and iron levels in cow meat: A case of the dietary intake of the urban population in Enugu State, Nigeria. Journal of Natural Sciences Research 2(7), 26-34.

27    D. A. Kadiri, C.O.B. Okoye (2012): Compliance and comparative case study of selected public works in Nigeria. Proc. Of 35th Annual Conference CSN, Owerri, Nigeria; 57-62

28    Okoye C.O.B., Asogwa F.C. (2012): Synergistic effect of Jathropha curcas extracts and ampicillin on Staphlococcus aureus and Escherichia coli isolated from clinical specimen. Proc. Of 35th Annual Conference CSN, Owerri, Nigeria; 89-93.

29    Okoye C.O.B., Asogwa F.C. (2012): Phytochemistry and antimicrobial assay of Jathropha curcas extacts onsome clinically isolated bacteria- a comparative study. Proc. Of 35th Annual Conference CSN, Owerri, Nigeria; 76-80.

30    Ugwu, J.N. Okoye C.O.B. and Ibeto C.N. (2011). Impacts of Vehicle Emissions and Ambient Atmospheric Deposition in Nigeria on the Pb, Cd, and Ni Content of Fermented Cassava Flour Processed by Sun-Drying. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 17 (2): 478 — 488. Taylor and Francis group.

31    J.N. Ihedioha and C.O.B Okoye. (2011). Nutritional evaluation of Mucuna flagellipes leaves: an underutilized legume in Eastern Nigeria. American Journal of plant nutrition and fertilization technology 1(1): 55-63. Academic journals Inc.

32    C.O.B Okoye, C.N. Ibeto and J.N. Ihedioha (2011). Preliminary studies on characterization of orange seed and pawpaw seed oil. American Journal of Food technology 6 (5):  422-426. Academic journals Inc.

33    C. O. B Okoye, C. N. Ibeto and J. N. Ihedioha.(2011) Assessment of heavy metals in chicken feeds sold in south eastern, Nigeria. Advances in Applied Science Research, 2 (3):63-68. Pegalia Research library, USA
34    C.O.B. Okoye, Aneke A.U., C.N. Ibeto and J.N. Ihedioha.(2011). Heavy Metals Analysis of Local and Exotic Poultry Meat. International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences.  6 (1): 49-55. Research India Publications.
35    C.O.B. Okoye  and K.E. Ugwu (2011). Concentrations of some metals in some Nigerian coals. JCSN, 36(2) 11-14. Chem. Soc. of Nigeria.
36    C.O.B  Okoye and K.E. Agbo (2011), Dispersion pattern of trace metals in soils surrounding solid waste dumps in Nsukka. JSCN. 36 (2): 112-119. Chem. Soc. of Nigeria
37    A.C Ofomatah, C.O.B. Okoye and G.O Unachukwu (2011). Effect of ash on the optimization of biogas production from blends of bagasse and cow dung. JCSN, 36 (2): 139-143. Chem. Soc. of Nigeria.
38    C.O.B. Okoye and Agbo K.E. (2010). Concentrations of heavy metals in soil at municipal waste dumps in Nsukka Urban, Nigeria. Proc. Of 33rd Annual Conference CSN, Abeokuta, Nigeria; 78-83.

39    C.O.B. Okoye and J.N. Ugwu (2010). Impacts of environmental cadmium, lead, copper and zinc on quality of goat meat in Nigeria. Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiopia, 24 (1): 133-138. Chem. Soc. Ethiopia.

40    C.N. Ibeto and C.O.B. Okoye (2010). High levels of heavy metals in blood of the urban population in Nigeria. Res. Journ. Environ. Scs. 4: (4): 37 1-3 82. Academic Journals Inc.

41    C.O.B. Okoye, J.N. Ugwu and C.N. Ibeto. (2010). Characterization of rural water resources for potable water supply in some parts of south eastern Nigeria.
JCSN 35 (1): 83-88. Chem. Soc. of Nigeria.

42    J.N. Ugwu and C.O.B. Okoye (2010). Trace metal levels in canned fish (Sardinella pilchardus) from Ogige market in Nsukka, Nigeria. JCSN 35 (1):43-47. Chem. Soc.  of Nigeria.

43    C.O.B Okoye and C.G. Okpara (2010). Physico-chemical studies and bacteriological assay of ground water resources in Isuikwuato Local Government Area of Abia State, Nigeria. JCSN 35 (1)182-189. Chem. Soc. Nigeria.

44    Ibeto C.N. and C.O.B. Okoye (2010). Elevated levels of lead in blood of different groups in the urban population of Enugu State, Nigeria. Int. Journ. Human and Ecol. Risk Assessment 16 (5): 1133-1144. Taylor and Francis group.

45    Okoye, C. O.B and Ulasi, C. U. (2009). Levels of essential and toxic metals in milk and baked products. Bio-research, 7(1): 474 -476. Faculty of Biological Scs., Univ. of Nigeria Nsukka.

46    Okoye, C. O. B, Odo, I. S., and Odika, I. M. (2009). Heavy metals content of grains commonly sold in markets in south -east Nigeria. Plant prods. Res. Journ., 13: 4 -7. Soc. Plant. Prod. Res. of Nigeria.

47    Okoye, C. O. B and Ibeto, C. N. (2009). Analysis of different brands of fruit juice with emphasis on their sugar and trace metal content. Bio-Research 7 (2) 493 -495. Fac. Bio. Scs. University of Nigeria, Nsukka.

48    Ibeto, C. N. and Okoye, C. O. B. (2009). Elevated cadmium in blood of the urban population of Enugu State, Nigeria. World Appl., Scs. Journ. 7 (1 0). 1255 -1262. IDOSL., Publications, Pakistan.

49    Okoye, C.O.B and T. D. Nyiatagher (2009). Physicochemical quality of shallow well-waters in Gboko, Benue State, Nigeria. Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiopia, 232 (1): 123 -128. Chemical Society of Ethiopia.

50    Ukwueze, N. N., Nwadinigwe, C. A., Okoye, C. O. B. and F.B.C. Okoye (2009). Potentials of 3,3 1,4',5,7-pentahydroxy-flavylium of hibiscus rosa- sinensis L. (malvaceae) flowers as ligand in the quantitative determination of Pb, Cd, and Cr. Int. Journ. Phys. Scs. 4 (2): 56-62. Academic Journals. Inc.

51    C.N. Ibeto, C.O.B. Okoye and Anyanwu C.N. (2009). Fossil fuels and heavy metal pollution of the Nigeria environment. Journ. Scs and Ind. Policy, 2 (1): 9-17. Int Inst. Res and Adv. Studies (IIRAS), Univ. of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

52    C.N. Ibeto, C.O.B. Okoye and Anyanwu C.N. (2009) Improper waste management and heavy metal environmental pollution in Nigeria J. Environ. Stud. And Policy Analysis. 2 (1): 1-6: Inst Res. and Adv. Studies (IIRAS), Univ. of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

53    Okoye, C. O. B. and Ibeto, C. N. (2008). Determination of bioavailable metals in soils of three Local Government Areas in Enugu State, Nigeria. Proceedings of the 31st Annual Int. Conf. of Chem. Soc. Nigeria, 22 -26 Sept. 2008, Warri Delta State.
54    Eze, I. S., Anyanwu, C. N. Oparaku, 0. U. and Okoye, C. O.B (2008). Predicting higher heating values of Nigerian Biomass and Vegetable Oils from basic analysis data (Preliminary results). Nig. Journ. Solar Energy 19 -2: 31 -37. Solar Energy Soc. of Nigeria.
55    Okoye, C. O.B and Ugwu, J. N. (2008). Evaluation of three methods of sugar analyses for determination of low level sugar in fruits. Plant Prod. Res. Journ. 12: 19 -22. Society of Plant Prod. Research of Nigeria.
56    Eze, I. S., Anyanwu, C. N. Oparaku , 0. U. and Okoye, C. O. B (2007). Animal Manure: a Resource or a Waste? Proceedings of the 37"' Annual Conf. of Nig. Soc. Chem. Engrs. 22 -24 Nov. 2007, pp. 1 -8.

57    Umo, A. E. and Okoye, C.O.B (2006). Quality of borehole waters in Nsukka area, Enugu State, Nigeria. Nigerian Annals of Natural Sciences 6 (2): 121 -127, A.A.U. Ekpoma
58    Okoye, C.O.B and Verla, A. W. (2006). Chemical composition and nutritional values of two local condiments: Monodora myristical and Monoddora tenuifolia seeds. Bio-research 4 (2); 113 -115. Faculty of Biological Sciences, Univ. of Nigeria, Nsukka.
59    Okoye, C.O.B and Ekechukwu C. D (2006): Determination of sugar levels in some Nigerian fruits. Bio-research 4 (2): 121 -122. Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of' Nigeria, Nsukka.
60    Okoye, C.O.B (2001). Trace metals concentrations in Nigerian fruits and vegetables. Int. J. Environmental Studies 58: 501 -509. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, United Kingdom
61    Musa, M.J. and Okoye, C.O.B (2001). Studies of water quality parameters of Imabolo, Okura and Ofu Rivers in Kogi State, Nigeria. Journ. Sc. Tech and Math. Education, 4 (1); 42 -52, FUT, Minna.
62    Okoye, C.O.B (1994), Lead and other metals in dried fish from Nigerian Markets. Bulletin Environ. Contamn. And Toxicology. 52: 825 -832, Springler Verlag, New York Inc. USA.

63    Okoye, C.O.B., (1991), Heavy Metals and Organisms in the Lagos Lagoon, Int. J. Environmental studies. 37, 185 -292. Gorden and Brach Science Publishers, United Kingdom.

64    Okoye, C.O.B., Afolabi O. A., and Ajao, E. A. (1991), Heavy metals in Lagos Lagoon sediments. Int. J., Environmental Studies, 37, 35 -41. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, United Kingdom.

65     Okoye, C.O.B., (1991). Nutrients and selected chemical analysis in the Lagos Lagoon surface waters, Int. J. Environmental studies. 39, 13 1 -136. Gordon and Breach Science Publisher, United Kingdom.

66    Okoye, C.O.B., and Adeleke, B. K. (1991). Water quality in Akure, Nigeria. Environmental Management and Health 2, 13 -18, MCB Univ. Press Ltd., Bradford, England

67    Ofuya, T. I., Okoye, C.O.B. and Olola, A. S., (1991). Efficacy of a crude extract from seeds of Mondora Myristica (Gaertn) Dunal as surface protectant against Callosobrushus maculates (F) attacking legume seeds in storage. Journ. Plant diseases and Protection, 99 (5), 528 -533. Eugene Ulmer GmbH & Co., Stuttgart, Germany.

1    Chukwuma, 0. B. Okoye (2005); Undergraduate Analytical Chemistry, Jolyn Publishers, Nsukka (150 pages)
2    Chukwuma, 0. B. Okoye (2004); Concise General Inorganic Chemistry. Jolyn Publishers, Nsukka (203 pages)
3    Chukwuma, 0. B. Okoye (2003); Introductory Inorganic Chemistry, Jolyn Publishers, Nsukka (160 pages)


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